Wednesday, 11 November 2015
Wednesday, 23 September 2015
Grit writing!
What would be persistence,determination and resilience all in one word? Grit of course! Grit is about not giving up straight away when you don’t get it right, you need to persist when learning gets tough. To not get distracted and to stay focused! If you don’t persist you don’t get things done which means you won’t learn! Dedication pays off! Remember that.
In class one of the times I have used grit is…
In maths when I was learning how to add hundreths with tenths in decimals, because I didn’t know and there was no learning video so I tried to but got it wrong then I asked mr A because I didn’t understand. After that he had a workshop on rounding to help me and I understood that really well.
One of the times I have used grit in my life is….
In a netball game, when the opposition team had the ball and were passing to another player. Half way through the long pass I thought I wouldn’t of been able to intercept but I persisted by jumping as high as I could,and not being in the middle to be by the player who is being passed too. and in the end I got the intercept which caused us to get a goal!
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Reflection- Jumping straight into the action.
This week in writing the LnP’s are learning about ways to hook your reader in the first sentence. This week I have learnt the 3d way to hook your audience which is jumping straight to the action.
Jumping straight into the action in the first sentence is about right then and there, when the action was happening. Not before or after right when it was happening. I wasn’t here on Wednesday so Eliala taught me and showed me her writing.
I thought about something exciting and hooking to start my sentence with action. I decided to do the roller coaster at Rainbows End theme park in Auckland. Here is my writing :
I felt the air blow out of me awhile I tipped upside down. My hands gripped on so tight it was like I had super glue on them. We finally got back upright when I heard mum shout at me “Shanelle hold on tight!!”. I looked in front of me, my eye’s went wide open. Wooooossshhhh!! We zoomed down this what looked like a step as hill. I screamed my head off!
Thursday, 3 September 2015
Plan views in math!
This week I have learnt what a plan view is,how to interpret plan views from a model made from a cube and also make a model from someone else's plan view. I found it quite easy once I did the first practise work, although some of my answers were wrong I found out why and fixed them up.
The second practise work book I found very hard. I didn't understand how you did it. Eliala,Tia and I went and talked to mr A and asked him. He said to build the model from the plan views on the page first. We built the model and then we realised the question was asking us to take off a cube and still have the same plan views. We found that quite easy, but then we had to add one on which made me kinda think that I couldn't do it .
We tried a lot of places to add the cube on but they didn't have the same plan views.... After a bit we thought that you couldn't add any cube on to the shape to make the same plan views.
Thursday, 20 August 2015
Yesterday for the second time Mr A introduced us to ‘Dramaaaa!’. We did a warm up to start off with (Which was really fun) . You had to pick a person to go with, I picked Michaela. Then Mr A gave you a letter and you had 2 minutes to find out everything you could mime starting with that letter.
Mr A gave Michaela and I the letter B. We came up with Beer (Like the alcohol), And a bear. Also we got Bench that you eat on. But the catch was you only had 30 seconds on the stage to mime what you came up with. The rest of our class guessed bear,beer but they didn’t get bench. Emily put her hand up and guessed “Eating breakfast?” She was close but it was bench. In the end we got 3 points.
I really enjoyed doing drama and I think that all schools and classes should be doing drama.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Len Lye Centre Visit...
My eyes said it all. High ceilings made me feel like an ant (not that people don’t call me one already). Voices echoed throughout the building. Of course there was noise with rooms 10 & 11 in the new Len Lye Centre.
We got lead into a dark room with different pieces of artwork that I haven’t seen before. Movement and sound surrounded me. There was a lot of really unique artwork in that room but one caught my eye in particular.
My favourite piece of artwork that I got the opportunity to really have a good look at was called something similar to ‘Grass’. Stainless steel strings swayed across in different directions. It made me feel very graceful. The bottom of the artwork was polished wood that shone in the light.
I really enjoyed going to the Len Lye Centre, Len Lye was very original and added sound and movement, Which really hooked me in to see more.
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Doodle 4 Google !
Shanelle Candy
Dinorassic World
My doodle for google represents Dinosaurs and their existence on earth as a living creature. If I got to travel back in time I would most definitely want to see dinosaurs, they have something special about them. But I would not want to be eaten by a Dinosaur!
Monday, 3 August 2015
Stacy Gregg
Today in the library I had a writing workshop with Stacy Gregg. She really explained how much you had to plan before you write. Stacy Gregg also mentioned about Research, You need to know a lot about what you are going to write about before you start. know your genre, Sometimes the name of the character can depend on the genre. Have a setting, It’s alot easier to describe when you know where you are.
Stacy Gregg helped me to understand that there are no limits to writing, You can write about whatever you want.
One of the activities we did was describing your character. What they looked like,what kind of person they are, how old they are,what they dislike etc. We had a discussion about that if you have characters its better for them to be different from each other. They might have something alike and that’s why they connect.
When you are writing a story you need to know what’s happening at the start,middle and end. You need to know what’s going to happen in each chapter (if you have chapters) So then it’s easier to write and you don’t get stuck at anytime.
Stacy Gregg talked about what she does when she is going to write something and gets stuck have no idea’s. You need to research about what you are writing. So the reader can understand and you understand every detail. When you research you gain so much information about the topic idea’s just flow through when you are writing.
Stacy Gregg is left a massive impact of the way I think and write now.
Thursday, 30 July 2015
One of the things I have learnt this week
This week one of the things I have learnt is how to write a book review. Book reviews need a plot (describing a bit of what happens) your opinion about the book, Your rating about the book and more. You need to tell the audience about your character's (hobbies,age,name etc..). Also you need to tell the audience specifically what you liked about the book, Maybe your favourite part of the book.
My book review for The Quake
The Quake
By Eirlys Hunter
A fantastic book about what Hannah has to do to save her little brother Ollie and help her older brother Alex from a huge earthquake that disrupts them in the night.
A few shakes cause Hannah to awaken her in the night, She could instantly tell that this earthquake was going to be a big one. Hannah screamed out to her parents who were supposed to be home, but unfortunately they did not call back.
Ollie screaming, No sign of her older brother Alex (Not surprising, he always been a heavy sleeper) Hannah did not know what to do. Hannah grabbed hold of little Ollie, and woke Alex up and they both got under their doorway. Shakes surrounding them, their house was slowly collapsing and they all knew it.
Alex being the hero, went to get some food from the kitchen.
Alex saw the bookshelf slowly going to fall and then he focussed too much on the bookshelf he tripped on a few books! That bookshelf had enough, hannah screaming at Alex to move was not making him get up. ‘Creek’ went that old bookshelf, one shake was all it took. The bookshelf fell, Alex was in trouble.
Hannah was off to try and save her older brother awhile trying to keep Ollie safe…
In the Quake, my rating out of 10 would have to be a 9/10. The Quake is a good book for describing exactly what is happening in every detail so its really easy to visualise. The language they use makes you feel like you are watching a live show of the earthquake
Hannah is 14yrs old. She is one of those people who does whatever she can to help people,Even If it causes her to be endangered.
Ollie is 4yrs old. He is all about his toys, to him family is pretty close to toys.
Alex is around about 17/18 and he loves music.
The Quake is suitable for about 9-12 year olds, even though the people in the book are older. The book has really rich language that makes you lose yourself when reading. It really makes you get concerned about earthquakes and how dangerous they really can be.
Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Quality Blog Comment Learning...
For the past couple of weeks my class has been learning about writing "Quality" blog comments. Here is my google drawing to evidence my learning.
National Young Leaders Day Palmerston North....
Yesterday we went to national young leaders day, My teacher didn't go and he made a document in our google drive for us to complete about the day. Please read below
What did you think of NYLD 2015. Give your opinion and reasons why you hold these opinions (at least 4 sentences).
Young leaders was very fun. The speakers were very clear in what they have succeeded in and it was good to hear that you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it and be positive. Each speaker had a main thought and told us what the have achieved from it. They have really made me open up my mind to realise a being leader is very important, not only wearing a badge. being responsible aiming high to achieve,persist and be open minded and more. A learnt a lot about being a leader and the qualities of being one. I am glad I went to young leaders 2015
Who was your favourite speaker and why? (Describe in at least 4 sentences).
William Pike:
Because he had a really good messages about aiming high and you will succeed one day. The main idea he was talking about was “All passion, No limits”.
As William does that as for being a mountain climber. He described his past experiences and what that has lead him to.
What have you learnt about being a leader? (At least 4 sentences).
That you don't have to be stood out, You might be taking a huge part in something but just because you are, you don't have to show off. Always be passionate and aim high don't worry about something you want to do. If you want to do it, do it. Be positive, Because one little thing can change a lot of people's lives and even the WORLD!. Follow what you want to do, not what other people want you to do. Dont try and change yourself, You are who You are, not anyone else!
How could you use this learning here at school? (At least 4 sentences)
Being persistent and positive, If you don't think you can do it? where's the persistence in that? Find out what you don't understand,what you already know. If you want to do something do it! don't let other people hold you back. e.g you wanted to pick something else and your friend wanted another one, Do what you want to help and grow your knowledge and learning. Dont pretend you can do it, or want to do it, If you dont know ask someone be curious!
Action points - something I am going to work on (a goal) from NYLD:
“All passion,No limits” Because I always think to stop there when I can really do more to aim high and grow my knowledge with more information. To do what I feel is going to let me help others than picking one with my friends.
My favourite quotes were (remember to say who said them):
All passion, no limits
Dont be what you want to be, be who you want to be.
You can change the world with little things
Be yourself, not someone you're not
Wednesday, 10 June 2015
Posting a quality blog comment
Today I did an activity on the Room 10 google site called "Writing a quality blog comment" And one of the things we had to do after we learnt how was to comment on someones blog, I chose to do izzys:
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
Inferencing a text
When you inference its when the author doesn't say directly in the text but you piece what you already know with what the clues are in the text. Inferencing is when you use what your already know (e.g what you have done,read or seen before) with what the author has already explained in the text. Another part of Inferencing is predicting (predicting is when you think about whats going to happen next).
(e.g) - The guests went for second helpings,she could infer that they enjoyed their meal.
When you inference its when the author doesn't say directly in the text but you piece what you already know with what the clues are in the text. Inferencing is when you use what your already know (e.g what you have done,read or seen before) with what the author has already explained in the text. Another part of Inferencing is predicting (predicting is when you think about whats going to happen next).
(e.g) - The guests went for second helpings,she could infer that they enjoyed their meal.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Personal Profile.....
Hi my name is Shanelle. My favourite subject at school is probably maths. You really need to know your times tables! I am pretty good at maths,I just need to know all my times tables. I have 2 cats called Sausage and Lilly. My dog is called Scooby ( and no,hes not that big!) I like to blog about my learning and cute and quirky things. I really like to do sport especially Netball! My absulote favourite singer is Katy Perry! I hope you enjoy my blog posts!!!
Wednesday, 13 May 2015
Reflecting on our W.I.T. Learning
Please answer these questions as a group using one device. Write down your honest thoughts. It is important we learn from our mistakes and errors so that we can do a better job next time (Growth Mindset).
Please record your ideas in proper sentences. When you have finished, please share it with me and each other so you all have a copy in your google drive. You can also paste a copy onto your blog with a link to your google site.
How did your group work together? (Did you cooperate, share the work, stay on task, persist when things got hard? Were you open-minded to each others’ ideas? How did you show empathy?)
Didn't cooperate so well at the start but worked together better towards the end because we communicated better,most of the time we were on task but sometimes we would get off task and distracted.
What were you pleased about in following the Te Ara Tika pathway to learn about first aid? (Think about each of the steps - what steps did you do well or made progress with?
We were pleased about our videos that we created using imovie because we double validated on broken bones and choking so we would get it right on the google site.
What skills in the Te Ara Tika pathway do you think you need to improve on and why?
We need to work on our researching because it took so long to do and we could not find the right type of info fast enough.
Now think about your google site. What are you really pleased about or
had success with?
Our videos were really good once we took our time a bit more because we had lots of bloopers and that made us think about what we were doing more. One of the things that went well in our videos was that we tried to make it as real as possible so in a real time that it happens there know what to do.
What do you think needs to be improved on your google site?
We don’t need to change anything because we are happy with what we got.
Do you think your first aid google site does a good job of “effectively communicating” first aid skills? Why or why not? (Would you be happy with people using it to “Save a Mate”?
Yes because on the google site it makes us think about what we write before it is published, and in the video it is good because it gets us to speak clearer in the video and think about what we are saying.
What is one thing (skills, learning attitude) that each of you needs to improve on in our next W.I.T.? (Record each of your names with the thing to be improved)
Effective communicator is our group skill we need to work on because in wit someone would go off and do something without the group knowing what they are doing.
Monday, 4 May 2015
Multiplying tenths in decimals
This week in class we have been doing independent maths learning.We had to pick one maths srategy to learn in a few days.after we learnt it we had to evidence that you have learnt it on an explain everything! hope you enjoy!
Wednesday, 29 April 2015
In a trench,In war (Moment in time)
I felt sweat pouring down my face as fast as a cheetah.Then I saw bodies that were shredded all around me in the trench. Deep screams of pain filled the air.All I wondered will I ever survive this horrible war. My face was covered in fear as I looked to my friend. Sounded as though my friend was having an asthma attack the way he was heavily breathing.
Guns fired towards me,almost every second a got a fright of bullets.Goosebumps rised up my back at the speed of light. The ground crumbled below me like an earthquake.Hearing bombs explode every millisecond. I stared into thin air just thinking about what will happen when i get out of the eyes filled up with water,as I gazed into the light.Shells expolded above me.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Learning this term
This term I have really enjoyed learning about decimals more.Last year I learnt a lot about decimals but forgot my knowledge of decimals.I spoke to Mr Anderson about it and he taught me and my group more about decimals.I found it fun because I knew a bit about it,and its not hard to learn when Mr A explained about decimals.Once you learn about decimals they are easy.I knew about tenths and adding tenths and wholes but I need to work of adding hundredths.Now I have learnt to add hundredths in a decimal,I taught other people how.I have really enjoyed learning about decimals this term.
I have made very good progress this term with my times tables.I have learnt in two weeks the 6 and 4 times table and division.I have been working on my times table and division at home and it really helped.I worked every night and I worked on them at school.I need to learn and practice my times tables and division more because they really help my knowledge toolkit.Next term I am going to start to learn my 7 and 8 times table and division.
I have made very good progress this term with my times tables.I have learnt in two weeks the 6 and 4 times table and division.I have been working on my times table and division at home and it really helped.I worked every night and I worked on them at school.I need to learn and practice my times tables and division more because they really help my knowledge toolkit.Next term I am going to start to learn my 7 and 8 times table and division.
Sunday, 29 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 March 2015
Personal Voice
Personal Voice.....
In class lately we have been learning about personal voice.Personal voice is all about writing about your feelings,emotions,thoughts,opinions.You add in what you would say or do.Another part of personal voice is to make sure the reader knows how you are feeling at different times in the text.
(e.g) The dog ran so fast,the collar slipped of its head! By this time I was freaking out!
In that sentence I was freaking out because the collar had slipped off the dogs head.That is personal voice,since I was letting the reader know exactly how I felt.
Thursday, 5 March 2015
Before Camp
On Tuesday my class and few other classes are going on a school camp.
We have activity groups and each group do different at a time.I am excited for doing the water slide,because I have seen images and its looks really long and fun.I am also excited about archery,because I do archery and I like doing archery.I am very excited about making the raft, because last year we went on camp and made rafts and it was very fun.
I'm not excited if I fall out of the kayak because there are Eels and the water is very brown.
Some of the activity were:
raft making
And more.....
I like going to camp,because Its really fun,you learn lots of different things and It teaches you independents.
I am feeling excited about all the nature surrounding us.There is lots of bush and I am really looking forward to everything!
I hope everyone has a great time at camp and enjoys them self.
I like going to camp,because Its really fun,you learn lots of different things and It teaches you independents.
I am feeling excited about all the nature surrounding us.There is lots of bush and I am really looking forward to everything!
I hope everyone has a great time at camp and enjoys them self.
Thursday, 26 February 2015
Reading Numbers up to a Trillion
In class this week we have been learning about Reading numbers up to a trillion, (e.g 25 365 998) which is 25 million 365 thousand 998.
When you are reading number such as 22387654 you will break them into their houses like this 22,387,654. the houses names are trend setter,thousands,millions and billions and so on.The trend setter house has the ones tens and hundreds kept in it.The thousands has the all the thousands in it.and millions has all the millions etc..
When i separated the numbers earlier it makes it easier to read because i separated in the houses.
Also we have been learning to put numbers on and take them off the number (e.g 22887542 If i were to take 1 off it would be 22887541) and adding 100 would be 22887442.1000 after would be 22886542.
I personally found it quite easy to read numbers and add and subtract of the number.But when i started i found it very hard,but since i have learnt about separating the numbers into their groups.
When you are reading number such as 22387654 you will break them into their houses like this 22,387,654. the houses names are trend setter,thousands,millions and billions and so on.The trend setter house has the ones tens and hundreds kept in it.The thousands has the all the thousands in it.and millions has all the millions etc..
When i separated the numbers earlier it makes it easier to read because i separated in the houses.
Also we have been learning to put numbers on and take them off the number (e.g 22887542 If i were to take 1 off it would be 22887541) and adding 100 would be 22887442.1000 after would be 22886542.
I personally found it quite easy to read numbers and add and subtract of the number.But when i started i found it very hard,but since i have learnt about separating the numbers into their groups.

Sunday, 8 February 2015
My Learning
Hi everyone My names Shanelle.
I like to play netball,I like to draw and design things.
I like to learn in nice quiet spaces because i just get distracted.And i get things done faster and easier.
My strengths are my decimals and around the maths area,I am very good at reading long paragraphs and things like that.I need help with writing,I find it hard to support my ideas with detail and techniques,my writing isin’t that interesting.I am good at spelling,but need to learn more vocab.
Cope- Curiosity,open mindedness,persistance
All of them have to be used the be a good learner.when using curiosity you be brave and ask questions when you dont understand,being curious helps you learn.when you are being open minded you are open to suggestions and open to different learning.persistance is when you never give up and keep going,but if you need help to need to ask as well.I try to use all of them all the time but i struggle with curiousity and asking questions.
My teacher (Mr A) could help me by giving me paper work (for homework) because i seem to get it done faster with no fuss. My parents could help me by looking at my blog more often.
I love to learn writing techniques because i love writing and its also learning.I love to learn more vocab because i learn new words to put in my writing to make it more powerful.
In 2014 I learnt a lot more about maths and decimals.I learnt heaps of writing techniques (e.g show not tell,PEE paragraphs and others..) I improved a lot with vocabulary I learned a heap of new words.
This year I would like to work on my times tables more often and learn all the tables & division.I would like to write more complex texts and add more ideas to make it powerful.I would like to learn more in maths to expand my learning in maths.
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