In class this week we have been learning about Reading numbers up to a trillion, (e.g 25 365 998) which is 25 million 365 thousand 998.
When you are reading number such as 22387654 you will break them into their houses like this 22,387,654. the houses names are trend setter,thousands,millions and billions and so on.The trend setter house has the ones tens and hundreds kept in it.The thousands has the all the thousands in it.and millions has all the millions etc..
When i separated the numbers earlier it makes it easier to read because i separated in the houses.
Also we have been learning to put numbers on and take them off the number (e.g 22887542 If i were to take 1 off it would be 22887541) and adding 100 would be 22887442.1000 after would be 22886542.
I personally found it quite easy to read numbers and add and subtract of the number.But when i started i found it very hard,but since i have learnt about separating the numbers into their groups.
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