Thursday, 20 August 2015


Yesterday for the second time Mr A introduced us to ‘Dramaaaa!’. We did a warm up to start off with (Which was really fun) . You had to pick a person to go with, I picked Michaela. Then Mr A gave you a letter and you had 2 minutes to find out everything you could mime starting with that letter.

Mr A gave Michaela and I the letter B. We came up with Beer (Like the alcohol), And a bear. Also we got Bench that you eat on. But the catch was you only had 30 seconds on the stage to mime what you came up with. The rest of our class guessed bear,beer but they didn’t get bench. Emily put her hand up and guessed “Eating breakfast?” She was close but it was bench. In the end we got 3 points.

I really enjoyed doing drama and I think that all schools and classes should be doing drama.

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Len Lye Centre Visit...

My eyes said it all. High ceilings made me feel like an ant (not that people don’t call me one already). Voices echoed throughout the building. Of course there was noise with rooms 10 & 11 in the new Len Lye Centre.

We got lead into a dark room with different pieces of artwork that I haven’t seen before. Movement and sound surrounded me. There was a lot of really unique artwork in that room but one caught my eye in particular.

My favourite piece of artwork that I got the opportunity to really have a good look at was called something similar to ‘Grass’. Stainless steel strings swayed across in different directions. It made me feel very graceful. The bottom of the artwork was polished wood that shone in the light.

I really enjoyed going to the Len Lye Centre, Len Lye was very original and added sound and movement, Which really hooked me in to see more.

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Doodle 4 Google !

Shanelle Candy
Dinorassic World

My doodle for google represents Dinosaurs and their existence on earth as a living creature. If I got to travel back in time I would most definitely want to see dinosaurs, they have something special about them. But I would not want to be eaten by a Dinosaur!

Monday, 3 August 2015

Stacy Gregg

Today in the library I had a writing workshop with Stacy Gregg. She really explained how much you had to plan before you write. Stacy Gregg also mentioned about Research, You need to know a lot about what you are going to write about before you start. know your genre, Sometimes the name of the character can depend on the genre. Have a setting, It’s alot easier to describe when you know where you are.

Stacy Gregg helped me to understand that there are no limits to writing, You can write about whatever you want.

One of the activities we did was describing your character. What they looked like,what kind of person they are, how old they are,what they dislike etc. We had a discussion about that if you have characters its better for them to be different from  each other.  They might have something alike and that’s why they connect.

When you are writing a story you need to know what’s happening at the start,middle and end. You need to know what’s going to happen in each chapter (if you have chapters) So then it’s easier to write and you don’t get stuck at anytime.

Stacy Gregg talked about what she does when she is going to write something and gets stuck  have no idea’s. You need to research about what you are writing. So the reader can understand and you understand every detail. When you research you gain so much information about the topic idea’s just flow through when you are writing.

Stacy Gregg is left a massive impact of the way I think and write now.