Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Inferencing a text


When you inference its when the author doesn't say directly in the text but you piece what you already know with what the clues are in the text. Inferencing is when you use what your already know (e.g what you have done,read or seen before) with what the author has already explained in the text. Another part of Inferencing is predicting (predicting is when you think about whats going to happen next).

(e.g) - The guests went for second helpings,she could infer that they enjoyed their meal.

Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Personal Profile.....

Hi my name is Shanelle. My favourite subject at school is probably maths. You really need to know your times tables! I am pretty good at maths,I just need to know all my times tables. I have 2 cats called Sausage and Lilly. My dog is called Scooby ( and no,hes not that big!) I like to blog about my learning and cute and quirky things. I really like to do sport especially Netball! My absulote favourite singer is Katy Perry! I hope you enjoy my blog posts!!!

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Reflecting on our W.I.T. Learning

Please answer these questions as a group using one device. Write down your honest thoughts. It is important we learn from our mistakes and errors so that we can do a better job next time (Growth Mindset).

Please record your ideas in proper sentences. When you have finished, please share it with me and each other so you all have a copy in your google drive. You can also paste a copy onto your blog with a link to your google site.

How did your group work together? (Did you cooperate, share the work, stay on task, persist when things got hard? Were you open-minded to each others’ ideas? How did you show empathy?)
Didn't cooperate so well at the start but worked together better towards the end because we communicated better,most of the time we were on task but sometimes we would get off task and distracted.

What were you pleased about in following the Te Ara Tika pathway to learn about first aid? (Think about each of the steps - what steps did you do well or made progress with?
We were pleased about our videos that we created using imovie because we double validated on broken bones and choking so we would get it right on the google site.

What skills in the Te Ara Tika pathway do you think you need to improve on and why?
We need to work on our researching because it took so long to do and we could not find the right type of info fast enough.

Now think about your google site. What are you really pleased about or
had success with?
Our videos were really good once we took our time a bit more because we had lots of bloopers and that made us think about what we were doing more. One of the things that went well in our videos was that we tried to make it as real as possible so in a real time that it happens there know what to do.

What do you think needs to be improved on your google site?
We don’t need to change anything because we are happy with what we got.

Do you think your first aid google site does a good job of “effectively communicating” first aid skills? Why or why not? (Would you be happy with people using it to “Save a Mate”?
Yes because on the google site it makes us think about what we write before it is published, and in the video it is good because it gets us to speak clearer in the video and think about what we are saying.

What is one thing (skills, learning attitude) that each of you needs to improve on in our next W.I.T.? (Record each of your names with the thing to be improved)
Effective communicator is our group skill we need to work on because in wit someone would go off and do something without the group knowing what they are doing.

Monday, 4 May 2015

Multiplying tenths in decimals

This week in class we have been doing independent maths learning.We had to pick one maths srategy to learn in a few days.after we learnt it we had to evidence that you have learnt it on an explain everything! hope you enjoy!